July Group Meeting

The next Local Group Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 15th July 2015. 7pm for coffee and urgent actions, and meeting with agenda, from 7.30pm.  The agenda will include such issues as the counter EDL events, on Saturday 25th July and details of Amnestea on Saturday 1st August 2015. We will also be making plans to join Wakefield Pride on Saturday, 8th August. Come and […]

Event – Amnesty York Group

Out of East Africa: human rights repression behind the exodus of so many East Africans Tuesday 21st July 2015 7.30pm – 9pm, Friends Meeting House, Fairgate, York YO1 9RL Find out more: here TOGETHER WE ARE POWERFUL    

On The Beach – A Poem

Inspired by recent events, and their portrayal in the media, one of our group members, Jean Hales, decided to summarise her feelings in verse. I think you will agree that the outcome is a very poignant poem. On the Beach I saw a picture in the Sunday paper I thought it was a scene From […]

June Group Meeting

The next Local Group Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 17th June 2015. 7pm for coffee and urgent actions, and meeting with agenda, from 7.30pm. The agenda will include the final arrangements for the Magna Carta event at Pontefract, on Saturday 20th June and details of Amnestea on Saturday 1st August 2015. There will also be a discussion on Human Rights […]

February Meeting

The next Local Group Meeting is on Wednesday, 18th February 2015 Quaker Meeting House, Thornhill Street Wakefield WF1 1NQ Coffee and discussion from 1900   Come and join in. Find out how you can make a difference in a world where human rights are at risk in so many places.   For further details secretary@aiukwakefield.org.uk or 07800605397 Twitter:@AIUKWakefield Facebook: AI-UK-Wakefield   All […]

STOP Torture STOP Torture STOP

With a damning new report about the extent of torture by the CIA, and more questions being raised about UK involvement, can we afford to ignore this issue? Surely that’s not a real question. Why would anyone wish to ‘ignore’ torture? Now that’s a real question. http://www.amnesty.org.uk/issues/stop-torture Torture is not a thing of the distant […]


Come and join in! Saturday, 8th November 2014 The Ridings, Wakefield – near Esquires Coffee Shop Every year during November and December Amnesty International asks its supporters to join their Write for Rights campaign and write a letter, sending a message of hope to someone suffering human rights abuses. This weekend the Wakefield local group […]

September Meeting

The next Local Group Meeting is on Wednesday, 17th September 2014 Quaker Meeting House, Thornhill Street Wakefield WF1 1NQ Coffee and discussion from 1900   Come and join in. Find out how you can make a difference in a world where human rights are at risk in so many places.   For further details secretary@aiukwakefield.org.uk or 07800605397 Twitter:@AIUKWakefield Facebook: AI-UK-Wakefield   All […]