Summer Supper Party

Come and enjoy some delicious vegetarian food from The Real Junk Food Project and learn more about the work of Amnesty International. This is a non-alcoholic event and soft drinks will be available. Saturday 17th September 2016 At 7:00pm Quaker Meeting House, Thornhill Street, Wakefield, WF1 1NQ Tickets are £5 each and are available from […]

AmnesTea 2016 – Update!

Hurrah! It’s tomorrow! Hungry for cakes? At a loose end? Want to support human rights? Come and join in the fun…… Saturday 6th August 2016, 1:30pm until 4:00pm Quaker Meeting House | Thornhill St | Wakefield | WF1 1NQ   Traditional Afternoon Tea Sandwiches, cakes, scones Afternoon tea: £5. Tea and cakes: £2.50   All meeting and events are […]

Exhibition: Forced Evictions & Roma

          During this Refugee Week there will be a photo-journalism style exhibition highlighting forced evictions and the plight of Roma peoples around the world. This awareness exhibition will available to all at Wakefield Cathedral (during opening hours) all week until Sunday 26th June. There are opportunities to light a candle within […]


Come and join in! Saturday, 21st November 2015 – 0900 until 1600 The Ridings, Wakefield – Upper Mall near Esquires Coffee Shop It’s that time again! Every year during November and December Amnesty International asks its supporters to join their Write for Rights campaign and write a letter, sending a message of hope to someone […]


Come and join in! Saturday, 8th November 2014 The Ridings, Wakefield – near Esquires Coffee Shop Every year during November and December Amnesty International asks its supporters to join their Write for Rights campaign and write a letter, sending a message of hope to someone suffering human rights abuses. This weekend the Wakefield local group […]


There’s a lot going on in the world. So many people struggling with so little. So many without shelter, food or basic security. Must we choose who to give our support to? Every day we see scenes of clashes between “the people” and their governments in our (free) media. What’s really going on? How can […]